Lesson series

Premium Productivity Course

This 2-hours course is designed to help you get clear on the highest value activities.

Everything that’s important doesn’t necessarily appear as urgent. Take for example building systems that get you off the daily grind.

This course is a 5 module course which helps you use tools like the Eisenhower matrix, the Pomodoro technique, mindfulness to get clear on your priorities and the sequence in which you should execute on those priorities.

What's included?

  • 5 Modules
  • 28 Lessons
  • 5 Action Steps
  • 29 Videos
  • 25 PDFs

Get Clear on Priorities

You will learn how to identify and focus on the highest value activities that will help you scale your business effectively.

Work ON Your Business

Understand the importance of building systems that free you from the daily grind, allowing you to work on your business rather than in it.

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Ash Roy

After a corporate career in finance and strategy, that spanned 15 years in large multinational corporations, a CPA, and an MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management (Distinction), He founded Productive Insights in 2013. Productive Insights’ passion is to partner with service-based small business owners to help them grow sustainably and profitably using strategies that actually work. He also host the Productive Insights Podcast with over 215 episodes. It features some of the world’s leading online entrepreneurs including Seth Godin, Guy Kawasaki, Rand Fishkin, Neil Patel, Ryan Deiss, Amy Porterfield, Sonia Simone, Noah Kagan, and many others.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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